for Sale on Diesel Engine Trader
Adelman's Truck Parts Corp.
Adelman's Truck Parts Corp.

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Adelman's Truck Parts Corp.
Adelman's Truck Parts Corp.
Luoyang Diron Parts Trading Co.,Ltd
Big Bear Engine Company
Young & Sons Inc.
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'Your website is working well for me - This month I have shipped engines to Canada, South America and several in the USA. Thank You.'

Jim Williams, Diesel Power Train Co. Colbert, USA

' is working good for us - we're selling engines worldwide!'

Mark Johnson, Bobby Johnson Equipment Co., Inc., Oil City, USA

'It took at least 4 weeks before we got our first inquiries for the 28 engines we listed - 3 months on we are making 3 to 4 sales per month! We're really pleased and I like the feature that shows how many views our engines get.'

Pete Melhuish, Northwest Diesel Parts, Portland, Oregon, USA


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