for Sale on Diesel Engine Trader

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Young & Sons Inc.
Young & Sons Inc.
Luoyang Diron Parts Trading Co.,Ltd
Young & Sons Inc.
Big Bear Engine Company
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Customer Testimonials

'Listed a Perkins T6.354 on DieselEngineTrader and sold it after 5 month. With a listing fee of $5.00 per month and no commission, it was much cheaper and more effective than the magazine we also used.'

Chris Weeks, Old Forge Lake Cruises, New York, USA

'We're thrilled with! We sold an old CAT D343 within 1 month of listing and a Cummins engine within 3 months. We were amazed - we didn't think anyone would want them in the condition they were in!'

Stephanie Vaughan, Heavy Equipment Parts, Independence, USA

'Was looking for a Gardner 4LK to rebuild. None of my usual contacts could help me so I searched the Internet and found one on DieselEngineTrader. It was only 27 miles down the road!'

William Geldeard, North West Engine Services, Chester, UK


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